Detection of risk factors and early indicators of chronic kidney disease in an adult population during a kidney health campaign

  • Javier Robaina División Nefrología. Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires
  • Alicia Fayad Servicio de Nefrología, Hospital de Niños Ricardo Gutierrez, Buenos Aires
  • Carlos Forlano División Nefrología. Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires
  • Luciano Leguizamón División Nefrología, Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires
  • Marcelo De Rosa División Nefrología, Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires
  • Rodolfo Vavich División Nefrología. Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires
  • Paula Rossello División Nefrología. Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires
  • Alicia Marini División Nefrología. Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires
Keywords: chronic kidney disease, early detection of risk factors for CKD, epidemiology, public health


Introduction: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) in adults is a common condition and a major public health issue worldwide. There has been related to a high risk of End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), cardiovascular disease and death. Given the increasing incidence of CKD and the availability of effective therapeutic measures, is of vital importance perform early detection of risk factors (RF), in order to delay or prevent progression to ESRD. The optimal cost-effective strategy seems to be an investigation aimed at patients with one or more risk factors for CKD. In order to detect early indicators of CKD and associated risk factors, we conducted a study in an adult population. Methods: In a cross-sectional study was evaluated BP, BMI, blood glucose, serum creatinine and albumin/creatinine ratio in urine sample in 608 people> 18 years. Participants were classified for stages of CKD according to the presence of albuminuria and / or estimated glomerular filtration rate (MDRD4, CKD-EPI and CG). For statistical analysis (Stata 11.0) we used Fisher’s exact test, Ttest and Cox regression to explore the association between variables. Effect measure RR and 95% CI, was considered significant when P <0.05. Results: Mean age 54.8 ± 15.4 years, 72% were females. 61.5% had one or more CKD RF. Presence of CKD RF: age> 55 years 52.8%, hypertension 39.3% obesity 36.8%, carbohydrate metabolism disorders (CHMD)21.2%, diabetes: 14.1% (DBT), smoking 12.31%, albuminuria 11%. CKD was found in 14% of participants, 40% were male, albuminuria in 78.8% and GFR <60 ml/m in 37.6%. The 95.2% of participants with CKD had RF. The following variables were associated with ERC (p <0.05): male gender, age> 55, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, smoking and educational level. In multivariate analysis remained significant: age> 55, obesity, hypertension, diabetes and educational level. The 21.8% of hypertensive patients, 37.3% of those with CHMD and 100% with albuminuria did not know that condition. Conclusion: In this population to be a male,  to have> 55 years, hypertension, obesity and diabetes it increases the risk of developing CKD. We identified a high percentage (61.5%) of individuals with RF and ERC. The implementation of campaigns for early detection of RF and treatment would reduce the incidence and progression of CKD. We found a frequency of CKD and albuminuria similar to others international reports contributing to the understanding of this disease and its prevalence in Argentina.


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How to Cite
Robaina J, Fayad A, Forlano C, Leguizamón L, De Rosa M, Vavich R, Rossello P, Marini A. Detection of risk factors and early indicators of chronic kidney disease in an adult population during a kidney health campaign. Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl. [Internet]. 2017Jul.26 [cited 2024Dec.28];33(4):196-14. Available from:
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