Clinical evaluation of risk factors for renal disease in Formosa (Argentina): in connection with World Kidney Day 2012

  • Federico Cicora Hospital Regional de Alta Complejidad Presidente Perón, Formosa
  • Javier Roberti Fundación para la Investigación y la Asistencia en Enfermedad Renal, Buenos Aires
  • Ignacio Álvarez González Hospital Regional de Alta Complejidad Presidente Perón, Formosa
  • Sunilda Cuevas Hospital Regional de Alta Complejidad Presidente Perón, Formosa
  • Gianinna Mussi Centro Calidad de Vida Libertador San Martín, Entre Ríos
  • Verónica Escurra Hospital Regional de Alta Complejidad Presidente Perón, Formosa
  • Sergio Silguero Hospital Regional de Alta Complejidad Presidente Perón, Formosa
  • Edgardo González Hospital Regional de Alta Complejidad Presidente Perón, Formosa
  • Patricia Formosa Hospital Regional de Alta Complejidad Presidente Perón, Formosa
  • Edgar Crocci Hospital Regional de Alta Complejidad Presidente Perón, Formosa
Keywords: chronic kidney disease, clinical evaluation, risk factors, Argentina, Formosa


Introduction: World Kidney Day is an initiative of the International Society of Nephrology and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations to reduce the impact of kidney disease and raise awareness about it. In 2012, the Ministry of Human Development of Formosa, Argentina, organized a free screening especially targeted to those who thought could had some risk factor for kidney disease. Methods: During the Kidney week 2012, 3 nephrologists and 1 general physician interviewed the participants. Blood pressure and abdominal circumference were measured; urine and blood samples were evaluated for urea, creatinine and glycaemia levels, and renal echography was performed. Results were statistically analyzed. Results: Data from 63 participants were used in this study. Mean age: 49.8 years ± 14.2. 14 (22%) urine samples showed pathological signs and 16(25%) renal ultrasound tests were pathological. 24(38.1%) presented HTA, 9 people were unaware of this condition. We found 2 cases of uninformed diabetes. 34(54%) participants had MDRD <-80 and 37(58.7%) had abdominal circumference above safe parameters. Ten men (15.9%) had creatinine >- 1,40/mg/dl and 3(4.8%) participants had glucose level >- 126 mg/dl. Conclusion: Thirty seven participants were referred to specialist. Screening should be carried out for early detection of kidney disease, to obtain information for the design and implementation of public health programs and to promote healthy habits.


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How to Cite
Cicora F, Roberti J, Álvarez González I, Cuevas S, Mussi G, Escurra V, Silguero S, González E, Formosa P, Crocci E. Clinical evaluation of risk factors for renal disease in Formosa (Argentina): in connection with World Kidney Day 2012. Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl. [Internet]. 2012Dec.9 [cited 2024Dec.28];32(4):208-13. Available from:
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