Salt and arterial hypertension

  • Nesmo Levy Yeyati Cátedra de Fisiología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires
Keywords: hypotension, renovascular hypertension, renin-angiotensin system, Ionic composition of the arterial wall, renal physiology


Arterial hypertension affects about 25% of adult population. Primary, or essential hypertension are 95% of the adult patients. It is the resultant. of different internal alterations especially the kidneys and external as the amount of salt on the diet.
These revision was make with theory from Guyton to Laragh, concluded that AH is a multifactorial sickness in which the salt play pivotal role in its progression. In the first, the effects of acute hypotension on concentration ability and ionic composition of the urine was investigate, on the second in saline expanded dogs the effects on suppressor doses of A11 on glomerulo/tubular balance was studied, in the third, also en saline expanded dogs the effects of PGS on renal and concentration capacity of kidney were studied. Forth the effect of hydrochlorothiazide in arterial pressure and ionic content and distribution of Na before and after HCTZ was analyzed. All these factors and metabolics (salt en excess, poor in K+, endocrines SRRAA, PGS endotelinas) and genetics factors with mineralocorticodes receptors sale sensitive play a role in the development of this entity. The treatment depended on the evaluative period of arterial hypertension.

How to Cite
Levy Yeyati N. Salt and arterial hypertension. Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl. [Internet]. 2010Mar.1 [cited 2025Feb.5];30(1):31-8. Available from:
Review Article