Nutritional status and cardiovascular and renal risk factors related to birth weight in children from Gran Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina. Risk factors in Pediatrics

  • Ana María Cusumano Centro de Educación Médica e Investigaciones Clínicas Norberto Quirno (CEMIC), Buenos Aires
  • María Eugenia Bianchi Fundación Renal del Nordeste Argentino, Chaco
  • Gustavo A. Velasco Hospital Dr. Julio C. Perrando, Ministerio de Salud Pública, Chaco
  • Katya Polischuk Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Corrientes
  • Ana María Tauguinas Fundación Renal del Nordeste Argentino, Chaco
  • Daniel Forlino Fundación Renal del Nordeste Argentino, Chaco
Keywords: nutritional status, risk factors in pediatrics, birth weight, proteinuria, hypertension, Chaco, Argentina


Introduction: There is a lack of data on nutritional status and cardiovascular and renal risk factors in pediatrics in the province of Chaco, one of the poorest provinces and with the largest pediatric population in Argentina. Objective: To determine the prevalence of these risk factors: nutritional (low weight/height, low height/age, low weight and overweight); perinatal (maternal age and gestational age at birth), as well as cardiovascular and renal (overweight, hypertension and proteinuria), correlated with birth weight, in population from one month old to 18 years old in the urban agglomeration of Gran Resistencia, province of Chaco. Material and methods: An observational descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted. Participants were selected by probabilistic sampling through agglomerations according to population weight in each strata, taken from schools for 6-18 year-old children and from health centers for children under 6. Results: A total of 850 children were studied. The prevalence of risk factors was: 24% with high risk for maternal age, 21% with preterm birth, 7.2% with low birth weight, 9.1% with low height/age, 4.2% with low weight/height, 11.8% with high weight/height, 6.3% with low weight/age, 2.4% with proteinuria and 6.8% with high blood pressure. In children under 6 years of age with low birth weight, compared to those with normal birth weight, the odd ratio for low weight/height was 6.15, and for low weight/age it was 5.02; for those born with a high weight compared to those born with normal weight, the odd ratio for overweight was 3.07. Conclusions: the pediatric population which was studied presents a situation of high nutritional risk that correlates with birth weight. The prevalence of proteinuria and high blood pressure were not associated with birth weight.


How to cite this article:

Cusumano AM, Bianchi ME, Velasco GA, Polischuk K, Tauguinas AM, Forlino D. [Nutritional status and cardiovascular and renal risk factors related to birth weight in children from Gran Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina. Risk factors in Pediatrics]. Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl. 2018; 38(2):111-25.


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How to Cite
Cusumano AM, Bianchi ME, Velasco GA, Polischuk K, Tauguinas AM, Forlino D. Nutritional status and cardiovascular and renal risk factors related to birth weight in children from Gran Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina. Risk factors in Pediatrics. Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl. [Internet]. 2018Jul.1 [cited 2024Dec.28];38(2):111-25. Available from:
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