Update of the Peritoneal Dialysis Board Registry-ANBA

  • Jorge Lobo Consejo de Diálisis Peritoneal, Asociación Nefrológica de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires
Keywords: disease records, peritoneal dialysis, renal dialysis


In 2001, the registration of patients on peritoneal dialysis (PD) began at the Peritoneal Dialysis Board of the Nephrological Association of Buenos Aires (ANBA). The wide dissemination of the PD in the world, the scarce information about its results in our country, the need to have our own updated data to know our reality and share it with the nephrological community prompted us to present new data from the Registry of DP. But unlike the one presented at the congress of the Sociedad Argentina de Nefrología (SAN) of Tucumán in 2003, in which we reported 245 patients from the Buenos Aires regional, on this occasion we invited peritoneal dialysis centers from other regional regions of the country to join this initiative, to participate in it with a spirit of mutual collaboration, adding the experience of small centers with that of others with a long history. In this way, we enrolled 739 patients from 15 Dialysis Centers, which makes this registry the largest DP registry in the Argentine Republic. The objective of this presentation was to show the main demographic and epidemiological characteristics of this population of DP, determine survival and results.

How to Cite
Lobo J. Update of the Peritoneal Dialysis Board Registry-ANBA. Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl. [Internet]. 2019Jul.18 [cited 2025Feb.5];28(3):97-100. Available from: http://vps-1689312-x.dattaweb.com/index.php/rndt/article/view/443
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