Acute bilateral vision loss by anterior ischemic optic neuropathy in a patient on hemodialysis

  • Luis León Diaverum Cerer, San Justo, Buenos Aires
  • Angel Fernández Diaverum Cerer, San Justo, Buenos Aires
  • Hugo Altman Diaverum Cerer, San Justo, Buenos Aires
  • Miguel Ricci Diaverum Cerer, San Justo, Buenos Aires
  • Generoso Santoro Diaverum Cerer, San Justo, Buenos Aires
  • Graciela Valle Diaverum Cerer, San Justo, Buenos Aires
Keywords: acute bilateral visual loss, anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, hypotension, hemodialysis


Acute bilateral visual lost by anterior ischemic optic neuropathy in chronic in a haemodialysis patient The ischemic optic neuropathy represents a group of ischemical disorders of the optic nerve and is worldwide classified as: 1) Anterior (AION) with its forms Arteritic (AION-A) and Non-Arteritic (AION-NA) which is characterized by the triad of afferent pupillary defect, alterations of the visual field and oedema of the optical disk; and 2) Posterior (PION) without papilloedema. 
The clinical ophthalmology is essential for the diagnosis and the treatment, is based primarily on preventive measures (anaemia control, mineral metabolism, blood pressure, surgical bleeding, anaesthesia, compression of the eyeball etc.). It evolves towards vision loss either partial or complete and the response to steroids is still uncertain. We report a clinical case of an acute bilateral visual lost due to an anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (AION) in chronic haernodialysis patient with background of moderate arterial hypotension post parathyroidectomy.


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How to Cite
León L, Fernández A, Altman H, Ricci M, Santoro G, Valle G. Acute bilateral vision loss by anterior ischemic optic neuropathy in a patient on hemodialysis. Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl. [Internet]. 2019Jul.22 [cited 2025Feb.5];28(3):117-22. Available from:
Case Report