Ergotamine intoxication and ARF

  • Carlos Hiza Cremona Hospital General de Agudos Dr. Carlos G. Durand, Buenos Aires
  • Tatiana García Calderón Hospital General de Agudos Dr. Carlos G. Durand, Buenos Aires
  • Luis Alberto Valdez Hospital General de Agudos Dr. Carlos G. Durand, Buenos Aires
  • Estefanía García Hospital General de Agudos Dr. Carlos G. Durand, Buenos Aires
  • Luis Alberto Sintado Hospital General de Agudos Dr. Carlos G. Durand, Buenos Aires
Keywords: ergotamime, ritonavir, ergotism, ergot poisoning, vasoconstrictors


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How to Cite
Hiza Cremona C, García Calderón T, Valdez LA, García E, Sintado LA. Ergotamine intoxication and ARF. Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl. [Internet]. 2016Jan.15 [cited 2025Feb.5];36(1):62-4. Available from:
Case Report