Prevalence, clinical characteristics, and evolution of COVID-19 infection among patients and healthcare staff of a national reference hemodialysis center in Peru
Objective: To determine the prevalence, clinical characteristics, and evolution of the patients and healthcare staff with COVID-19 infection in a national reference hemodialysis center. Methodology. Observational and retrospective study in a cohort of patients on chronic hemodialysis and healthcare staff with COVID-19 infection at the Dos de Mayo National Hospital in Lima from March 1 to June 12, 2020. Results. Were evaluated 48 patients and 52 healthcare staff. Were positive for COVID-19 33.3% of patients and 7.6% of healthcare staff. Were symptomatic 56.2% of the patients and 18.7% required hospitalization. No one on the staff had symptoms. To date, none of the patients evaluated has required mechanical ventilation or has died. Conclusions. COVID-19 infection among patients is high. Two out of ten patients have required hospitalization, without any deceased.
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