Effects of physical training with vascular flow restriction during hemodialysis
Background: Vascular flow restriction is a novel training method that has been shown to achieve cardiovascular and neuromuscular adaptations similar to those obtained during conventional training; it promises the development of muscle strength and trophism, combining the low intensity loads with partial restriction of blood flow in the muscle. Objective: To analyze evidence on the effectiveness of vascular flow restriction during physical retraining in patients with chronic renal failure with renal function replacement therapy. Methods: Electronic databases were used; PubMed, Cochrane Library, LILACS, PEDro, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. Clinical trials conducted in people receiving dialysis or hemodialysis were included. Texts in both English and Spanish were searched. Results: The search and selection identified five scientific articles and a doctoral thesis, which were evaluated under the criteria of the PEDro scale, three of which measured strength and physical capacity and the remaining two, alterations in dialysis adequacy and hemodynamic parameters. Conclusions: Using this rehabilitation and/or training tool has positive effects clinically similar to those of conventional training with respect to strength and muscle hypertrophy in a wide range of ages and physical states. Both physical function and quality of life showed an improvement, being especially interesting for populations limited physically that cannot benefit from high-intensity training.
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