Effect of a medical formation curriculum on the development of clinical competencies to identify and manage chronic kidney disease

  • Carlos Enrique Cabrera-Pivaral Universidad Guadalajara LAMAR, Campus Vallarta, Guadalajara, Mexico
  • Diego Ramos-Peña Universidad Guadalajara LAMAR, Campus Vallarta, Guadalajara, Mexico
  • Guillermo Gaona-Bojorquez Universidad Guadalajara LAMAR, Campus Vallarta, Guadalajara, Mexico
  • Jennifer Aylin Espinoza-González Universidad Guadalajara LAMAR, Campus Vallarta, Guadalajara, Mexico
  • Santiago Alejandro Herrera-Ornelas Universidad Guadalajara LAMAR, Campus Vallarta, Guadalajara, Mexico
  • Ana Méndez-Magaña Universidad Guadalajara LAMAR, Campus Vallarta, Guadalajara, Mexico
  • Adrián Enrique Hernández-Muñoz Universidad Guadalajara LAMAR, Campus Vallarta, Guadalajara, Mexico
Keywords: clinical competence, chronic kidney disease, curriculum, medical education


Introduction:Chronic kidney disease is a worldwide epidemic and represents one of the most important challenges for the health personal; because of this, the importance of generating competent human resources is crucial to the correct treatment and prevention of this disease. Objective: To measure the effect of a medical formation curriculum on the development of clinical competencies to identify and manage chronic kidney disease. Methods: A quasi-experimental study was carried out at the Guadalajara LAMAR University Campus Vallarta in the first scholar semester of 2019 (2019A cycle). With a sample of 133 medical students, which 18 were from second semester (G1), 31 from fourth semester (G2), and 84 medical interns (G3); additionally, we included 22 college students with no medical formation to form the fixed group (G0). The Instrument used was a Spanish-language scale that evaluated the knowledge on chronic kidney disease, whose total sum allows the identification of the clinical competencies. The analysis was made by means of non-parametric inferential statistics (p-Value of ≤0.05). Results: The clinical competency was higher in those who were exposed to the medical formation program: G1 attained 38.8% of competence, G2 achieved 35.5%, and G3 had 61.91% of competence expectations. Meanwhile, G0 achieved only 18.1% of competence. Conclusion: The evaluation of the curriculum, during the 2019A cycle, showed a gradual growth of professional competences in chronological form, which gets higher when the theoretical knowledge is combined with the clinical practice.


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How to Cite
Cabrera-Pivaral CE, Ramos-Peña D, Gaona-Bojorquez G, Espinoza-González JA, Herrera-Ornelas SA, Méndez-Magaña A, Hernández-Muñoz AE. Effect of a medical formation curriculum on the development of clinical competencies to identify and manage chronic kidney disease. Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl. [Internet]. 2020Dec.15 [cited 2024Dec.27];40(4):311-9. Available from: http://vps-1689312-x.dattaweb.com/index.php/rndt/article/view/573
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